100% accurate metrics setup in 2 minutes or less with CI/CD auto detected deploys

You can now setup Sleuth for 100% accurate metrics without any modifications to your deployment process or scripts by connecting to your CI/CD provider

Just connect Sleuth to your CI/CD (via OAuth or API key), map your Sleuth Environments to the build/job that deploys for you and sit back and watch your metrics come to life!

Behind the scenes Sleuth is monitoring your CD builds and when we find a new one we do our magic to generate your DORA metrics for every deploy.

Sleuth already supports integrations with most common CI/CD tools (GitHub actions, Jenkins, CircleCI and more) and we are building out more everyday. If we don’t yet support your CI/CD provider we’d love to hear from you at support@sleuth.io. But remember, you can still always fall back to 100% accurate metrics by setting up a webhook which works for any deployment process you’ve put in place.

Propel your change failure rate and MTTR with CI/CD builds

As of today you can use any CI/CD build to track your change failure rate and MTTR.

Change failure and the sources that propel it differ wildly from team to team. That's why here at Sleuth we feel it's imperative to support all sources of failure your team already relies on. 

Many teams run CI/CD builds that can spot failure before it hits their customers. And others run CI/CD smoke test builds against their running Environments.

Just connect any of our supported CI/CD integrations like Jenkins, Github Actions (and more) and you'll be tracking change failure and MTTR in minutes!

Drive your change failure rate and MTTR with Incidents via FireHydrant

Many teams define change failure as when they've caused an incident. Their MTTR is how long it takes the team to recover. 

Sleuth now integrates with incident management platforms to automatically incorporate your Incidents into your change failure rate and MTTR. Our first integration is with the fine folks over at FireHydrant.

It only takes a minute to connect and you'll see your Accelerate (DORA) metrics reflect your data straight away.

If you're using PagerDuty, Statuspage or Blameless to manage incidents, never fear, we'll have you covered over the next few weeks!

Use Sleuth with any public or private Git repository

Sleuth can now track deployments and metrics for any git repository, including those behind a firewall. Instead of connecting to your GitHub or Bitbucket repositories and retrieving information, there is now a "Custom Git" repository type option that lets you use a CLI tool, sleuth-client, to push commit information into Sleuth, giving you full control over what source code information Sleuth sees.

To use it, select the option into the drop down:

After the code deployment source is created, use the  sleuth-client to register deploys:

For more information, see the documentation

Keep your change failure rate low with Slack based approvals

For teams with pre-production environments a great way to keep your change failure rate low is to pause and require developer approval before promoting changes to production. Sleuth has your team covered with the introduction of Slack based deployment approvals.

Sleuth approvals live where your teams work, in Slack. Authors of change are mentioned and votes are updated in the Slack message and within Sleuth. Approvals link to our powerful Slack team deploy notifications so you have all the context you need, right in Slack.

Approvals are super flexible and can be adjusted to meet your team's needs. Specify a soak time and we'll only prompt for an approval once met. Have Sleuth enforce a minimum number of approvers and whether those need to be the authors involved in the change or just anyone on your team. 

The actions Sleuth takes on a successful approval are flexible as well. We have built in actions for triggering builds with Github Actions, Bitbucket pipelines and CircleCI. However, it doesn't stop there, you can trigger any supported actions after approval.

Drive your change failure rate to zero with Slack based approvals today!

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