Use Sleuth with any public or private Git repository

Sleuth can now track deployments and metrics for any git repository, including those behind a firewall. Instead of connecting to your GitHub or Bitbucket repositories and retrieving information, there is now a "Custom Git" repository type option that lets you use a CLI tool, sleuth-client, to push commit information into Sleuth, giving you full control over what source code information Sleuth sees.

To use it, select the option into the drop down:

After the code deployment source is created, use the  sleuth-client to register deploys:

For more information, see the documentation

Keep your change failure rate low with Slack based approvals

For teams with pre-production environments a great way to keep your change failure rate low is to pause and require developer approval before promoting changes to production. Sleuth has your team covered with the introduction of Slack based deployment approvals.

Sleuth approvals live where your teams work, in Slack. Authors of change are mentioned and votes are updated in the Slack message and within Sleuth. Approvals link to our powerful Slack team deploy notifications so you have all the context you need, right in Slack.

Approvals are super flexible and can be adjusted to meet your team's needs. Specify a soak time and we'll only prompt for an approval once met. Have Sleuth enforce a minimum number of approvers and whether those need to be the authors involved in the change or just anyone on your team. 

The actions Sleuth takes on a successful approval are flexible as well. We have built in actions for triggering builds with Github Actions, Bitbucket pipelines and CircleCI. However, it doesn't stop there, you can trigger any supported actions after approval.

Drive your change failure rate to zero with Slack based approvals today!

Get a 50-Foot view with your Organization dashboard

Sleuth's project dashboard is where you go to quickly and safely deploy new changes. However, sometimes you want a higher-level view across all your Organization's projects. Sleuth's new organization dashboard is here to help!  

Your organization dashboard gives you a quick overview of the default environment for each of your projects so you can:

  • Compare and contrast your project's Accelerate metrics
  • See the overall health of your organization's deploys 
  • Get a snapshot view into exactly what's been changing across your projects

Your organization dashboard can be accessed via the options in the top right Organization switcher by choosing the "Organization dashboard" link from the menu.

Drill in to discover the why behind your trends

Hot on the heals of Sleuth search we had added many quick and contextual ways to find the exact deploy you are looking for from the Sleuth UI. Click and drag on any Sleuth trend graphs to see the deploys behind the trend.

We've also linked many of the elements you see in the Sleuth UI such as; deploy tags, authors and size such that they will take you to the Sleuth search with pre-filled filters for the attribute you clicked and its associated context.

Insights and trends are now just a click away!

Sleuth search makes you a super sleuth!

No good sleuth should be without an amazing magnifying glass. Sleuth's new search is now the most powerful tool in your kit, allowing you to instantly find the cause of any bad deploys.

Search allows you to quickly drop in a commit hash, issue key, tag and much more to find when a deploy rolled out to all your environments. Combine filters to slice and dice your way to the answer you're looking for.

We've included a new list view of your deploys so you can dig into your changes, hunting for that elusive root cause, without distraction.

See what you can discover with search today!

Know what's deployed daily via Slack

Sleuth now provides individuals a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly summary of what was deployed, delivered right to you via Slack! 

This is an especially powerful feature for engineering managers, product manager, support member or anyone trying to keep track, at a high level, of what's deploying. Sleuth allows you to request a report at the project or deployment level so you can get only the information that matters to you.

This adds to Sleuth's Slack mission control which allows you to control your deploys right from the comfort of Slack.

New Relic and custom Impact tracking

Impact tracking in Sleuth uses your key SLIs to verify your deploys are getting the job done!

Impact tracking just got more powerful with the addition of our New Relic and Custom, user provided impact, integrations.

Connecting the NewRelic integration, like other Sleuth integrations, couldn’t be simpler. Read our New Relic and Custom Impact help pages for information on the integrations and how to set them up.

Once configured Sleuth automatically verifies the health of your deploys. Via our health indicators you can see the impact of your deploys in action, in real-time.

Learn more about how Sleuth tracks impact and keeps your team informed by reading our CEO Dylan Etkin’s blog post: Real-time Impact Tracking and Notifications.

What did I do yesterday? Try Sleuth Standup

Tired of trying to remember what you did yesterday? Me too. With some 20% time, I added a simple Sleuth Slack command that help you build your standup report, prepopulating it with your deployments and other development activity. Run this in any Slack channel:

/sleuth standup

And you'll see a dialog that when submitted, reports your standup to the channel:

To see more than the last 24 hours, try appending a time period after the command, for example, this command will return the last 3 days:

/sleuth standup 3d

To see it in action, check out this "commercial": 

Clearer and more relevant Slack notifications

It's clear you all love Slack notifications for your deploys. However, we knew we could do better at making it immediately obvious what changed, when it happened and who was responsible.

Every notification now starts with a quickly identifiable emoji so you can understand what kind of event occurred and a deep link to Sleuth to find out more. Next we put the "what" of the change front and center. Finally, messages call out the author and any important attributes of the notification.

Sleuth Slack slash command makes it easy to know what's shipped

The Sleuth Slack integration just leveled up! We're excited to introduce the Sleuth Slack slash command.

Have you ever been in your standup and wondered if your PR has shipped? Just ask Sleuth from the comfort of your Slack client and never wonder again.

By default /sleuth MY SEARCH TEXT will search your projects for matching deploys. You can also use the /sleuth create My manual change #with_tags command to create manual changes.

Just update to the latest version of our Slack app and connect your Sleuth account to your Slack to start using the Sleuth slash command today!

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