Important notice to CircleCI customers!

As per this security alert posted on January 4th, CircleCI has invalidated all personal API tokens.

Impact on your Sleuth Implementation:
This means that any CircleCI-related Sleuth integrations such as build detection, build impact detection, or custom Sleuth actions have been broken since CircleCI invalidated these tokens.

We recommend that all Sleuth customers using CircleCI immediately:
  1. Rotate your personal tokens in CircleCI (see CircleCI help doc)
  2. Disable any existing CircleCI integrations from within Sleuth (see Sleuth help doc)
  3. Add new CircleCI connections in Sleuth using your newly generated CircleCI tokens (see Sleuth help doc)
While CircleCI’s incident has had no security-related impact on Sleuth nor on the data you share with us, we recognize and apologize for the inconvenience and are here to support you through any questions or concerns.

Sleuth Team

Announcing Work in Progress 2.0!

Following on our December release of Work in Progress, we've added even more features to make this dashboard even better!

This latest release includes:

  1. The ability to subscribe to work in progress email digests 
  2. The ability to filter and sort the work in progress listing by specific risk types
  3. A slew of UI/UX improvements to bring your focus to what matters most

Check out the updated help doc and blog post for more info, and be sure to register for the Jan 19 webinar where we'll be talking to Torsten Sinnemann, Engineering Manager at Article, about why he loves Work in Progress for Sleuth!

Announcing Work-in-Progress Metrics!

Sleuth’s Product Team is pleased to announce an exciting new feature that provides early and actionable visibility into emerging work-in-progress risk!

With this release, Sleuth extends its industry-leading, deploy-centric metrics capability upstream in your developer workflow by providing Work in Progress dashboards for Teams and Projects. These new dashboards provide real-time visibility into in-flight work (i.e. work that has not yet deployed) and highlights emerging efficiency risks that you can address right now.

For additional information, check out our recent blog post and the new Work in Progress help doc!

Let Sleuth Actions automatically update your Issues!

Sleuth Actions now provides the ability to transition issue status or add comments to linked Jira and Linear issues!

This feature is particularly useful for notifying product managers, support, and other customer-facing stakeholders when new features, bug-fixes, and other customer-impacting changes have deployed to specific environments.

Check out the Sleuth Actions Cookbook for more examples!  

Announcing Issue-Initiated CLT!

You can now start your CLT clock based on state changes in your issue tracker!

By expanding your CLT lens to include your issue tracking workflow, issue-initiated CLT helps you identify and remediate pre-commit bottlenecks and their impacts to your overall coding time.

Check out this blog post for an in-depth discussion on why you might want to enable this new option, and if you decide it might be the right choice for your team, check out this help doc for instructions on how to enable and configure it for one or more of your Sleuth projects!  

Keep your change failure rate low with Slack based approvals

For teams with pre-production environments a great way to keep your change failure rate low is to pause and require developer approval before promoting changes to production. Sleuth has your team covered with the introduction of Slack based deployment approvals.

Sleuth approvals live where your teams work, in Slack. Authors of change are mentioned and votes are updated in the Slack message and within Sleuth. Approvals link to our powerful Slack team deploy notifications so you have all the context you need, right in Slack.

Approvals are super flexible and can be adjusted to meet your team's needs. Specify a soak time and we'll only prompt for an approval once met. Have Sleuth enforce a minimum number of approvers and whether those need to be the authors involved in the change or just anyone on your team. 

The actions Sleuth takes on a successful approval are flexible as well. We have built in actions for triggering builds with Github Actions, Bitbucket pipelines and CircleCI. However, it doesn't stop there, you can trigger any supported actions after approval.

Drive your change failure rate to zero with Slack based approvals today!

Know what's deployed daily via Slack

Sleuth now provides individuals a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly summary of what was deployed, delivered right to you via Slack! 

This is an especially powerful feature for engineering managers, product manager, support member or anyone trying to keep track, at a high level, of what's deploying. Sleuth allows you to request a report at the project or deployment level so you can get only the information that matters to you.

This adds to Sleuth's Slack mission control which allows you to control your deploys right from the comfort of Slack.

What did I do yesterday? Try Sleuth Standup

Tired of trying to remember what you did yesterday? Me too. With some 20% time, I added a simple Sleuth Slack command that help you build your standup report, prepopulating it with your deployments and other development activity. Run this in any Slack channel:

/sleuth standup

And you'll see a dialog that when submitted, reports your standup to the channel:

To see more than the last 24 hours, try appending a time period after the command, for example, this command will return the last 3 days:

/sleuth standup 3d

To see it in action, check out this "commercial": 

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