A clearer view for your deployments

Following on the heels of our project Command Center update today we’re excited to be rolling out a completely redesigned deployment dashboard. We've brought all the improvements from our project command center and more to your deployment view.

The deployment dashboard provides developers:

  • A preview of what you're about to deploy
  • Help keeping your environments in sync
  • A powerful search to quickly find previous deploys

Head on over and check out your new deployment dashboard!

Take command of your deploys

Today we’re excited to be rolling out a completely redesigned Sleuth experience. Our updated Command Center provides one place to visit so developers can quickly and safely deploy new changes.

Command Center has been designed for developers so that at a glance you can:

  • Deploy new changes quickly and safely
  • Preview what you're about to deploy
  • Easily keep your environments in sync

If you haven't recently visited your dashboard, it's time to take another look!

Clearer and more relevant Slack notifications

It's clear you all love Slack notifications for your deploys. However, we knew we could do better at making it immediately obvious what changed, when it happened and who was responsible.

Every notification now starts with a quickly identifiable emoji so you can understand what kind of event occurred and a deep link to Sleuth to find out more. Next we put the "what" of the change front and center. Finally, messages call out the author and any important attributes of the notification.

Sleuth Slack slash command makes it easy to know what's shipped

The Sleuth Slack integration just leveled up! We're excited to introduce the Sleuth Slack slash command.

Have you ever been in your standup and wondered if your PR has shipped? Just ask Sleuth from the comfort of your Slack client and never wonder again.

By default /sleuth MY SEARCH TEXT will search your projects for matching deploys. You can also use the /sleuth create My manual change #with_tags command to create manual changes.

Just update to the latest version of our Slack app and connect your Sleuth account to your Slack to start using the Sleuth slash command today!

Model impact release with Sentry

We've upgraded our Sentry integration to ensure that every release is paired with error tracking and release health is surfaced to the developer. You can now drill down through a release in Sentry to understand the cause of errors and understand in nuanced detail the health metrics of your releases over time. And with our recent updates, you can now publish releases directly to Sentry from Sleuth. Check out the video below to learn more!